Using System Dynamics to Model the Interaction Among the Factors of Job Satisfaction, Productivity, and Quality of Service in the Health Industry

Document Type : Research Article


Department 1Department of Industrial engineering, Faculty of engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.


Management in health organizations is always interested to know whether their employees are satisfied with the type of job that they are doing. The trend of job satisfaction is of great concern to all employers all around the industries. The health industry is one of those industries where job satisfaction plays a vital role in its performance and providing quality service to patients. Knowing that many studies have been done about job satisfaction in the health industry, only a few are paying attention to the dynamic impact of factors on each other, considering feedback loops for real modeling of the problem. This paper proposes a multi-stage model for evaluating job satisfaction by system dynamics in a big hospital in Iran. Firstly, key influenced factors of job satisfaction are listed based on the Job Descriptive Index. In the second stage, after designing influence diagramming, three scenarios are developed for examining the impacts of two crucial financial and nonfinancial rewards factors. Finally, we analyzed the result of the running flow diagram of each scenario. The results show that applying both financial and nonfinancial rewards simultaneously can increase job satisfaction and the organisation's income via applying one of them.


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