Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts are considered for publication in JSTINP provided they have not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere and are not being concurrently considered in another journal. Articles are judged on their contribution to the advancement of the Systems Thinking, System Dynamics, Optimal Control, Simulation, Soft Operations Research,Information Systems, Systems Engineering and/or application of Systems Thinking, System Dynamics, Optimal Control, Simulation, Soft Operations Research, Information Systems and Systems Engineering. JSTINP editors expect all manuscripts to meet high standards for scholarly work. Manuscripts are judged not only on depth and scope of ideas presented, but also on their clarity, organization, readability, and balanced argumentation.

All submissions to JSTINP are first evaluated by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief or one of the journal’s Associate Editors for their appropriateness to the scope and objectives of JSTINP. If deemed appropriate, the paper is sent out for review using a double blind peer review process. Manuscripts are reviewed simultaneously by reviewers who are experts in their respective fields. The first review of every manuscript is performed by at least Three anonymous referees. Upon the receipt of the referee’s reports, based upon the Editor-in-Chief’s evaluation, the paper is accepted, rejected, or returned to the author(s) for another revision. 
َThe second revision is  also evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, based upon the receipt of the referee’s reports. The following flowchart shows the peer review process.

The corresponding author can track his/her submission and the process of peer review via: