Evaluation Model of the Systems Thinking Level of the Organization (Case Study: an Iranian Oil Company)

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.


According to various societal problems, the related problems and issues are expected to be solved gradually. However, by referring to the responsible organizations, we realize that appropriate actions have not been implemented to solve those problems. Regarding the role of systems thinking in organizational learning and improvement, whether the organization is at the proper level of systems thinking to carry out empowering projects should be considered. This research aims to determine an appropriate evaluation model based on experts' opinions to evaluate the organisation's level of systems thinking, which is a research gap regarding the reviewed articles. The proposed research methodology consists of three main phases: defining evaluation indicators and criteria, completing the questionnaire based on the fuzzy Delphi technique and Kendall's coefficient, and determining the organization's systems thinking maturity level. A case study was conducted for an Iranian oil company; it was determined that the company was at the systems thinking confrontation of thoughts level. Therefore, it is necessary to make appropriate arrangements to promote the systems thinking of that company. The main contribution of the research is to provide an evaluation model of the systems thinking level of the organization based on the excellence model of the systems thinking levels of the organization. The unique feature of the proposed model is to pay attention to the thinking style, attitudinal and interactive criteria of systems thinking, including 33 criteria categorized into three leading indicators. This research suggests using the presented model to evaluate the level of systems thinking in different organizations and companies and to implement appropriate approaches to improve the level of systems thinking in organizations and companies before implementing any organizational empowering project.


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