Identify and Prioritize Marketing Methods by IPA-G-FGAHP Technique

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Humanities, University of Gonabad, Gonabad, Iran.

2 Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities, University of Gonabad, Gonabad, Iran.

3 Department of management, Islamic Azad University, Torbat Heydariyeh Branch, Torbat Heydariyeh Iran.


This study aims to identify and prioritize the influential variables in the marketing tactics used by Bank Melli Iran. Key elements impacting Bank Melli Iran's marketing strategies have been employed to identify the system's various components and sub-components. Then, in order to adapt these factors to the situation of the studied bank, the opinions and collective agreement of the experts of the studied bank, in the form of a 15-member decision team, were taken on the influential factors in the studied bank. In the next step, the weight of each component and subcomponent was determined using the group-fuzzy hierarchical analysis process and experts' participation. Following this step, the decision team of the National Bank of the Khorasan Razavi Province filled out the present situation appraisal questionnaire. This research analyzed a comprehensive set of 5 components and 22 subcomponents. By assessing the weight of these aspects and quantifying their deviation from the planned condition, the balanced gap was calculated to establish the priority for improvement. Based on the results, the subcomponents of sales meetings, television marketing, and the press and media were identified as the top three factors. Therefore, it shows that the bank has a good capability in these sub-components, and suitable infrastructures are also available. Also, fourteen sub-components of awareness in the stadium, catalogs, films and tapes, written and verbal advertisements, placing advertisements on buses, specialized magazines and brochures and booklets, doing charity work, presenting services in person, selling with catalogs, contests and entertainment, low-interest credits, prizes and gifts, business negotiations, raffles, and annual reports are of low importance or at a favorable level of the status quo.


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