Investigating the Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Employee Performance Using the System Dynamics Approach (Case Study: Yasuj Municipality)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Industrial and Governmental Management, Faculty of Management, University of Hormozgan, Bandarabbas, Iran.

2 Department of MBA Management, Faculty of Management, University of Hormozgan, Bandarabbas, Iran.


As one of the emerging research fields of sustainability management, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), especially its influence on employee performance, has drawn increased attention in the academic and industrial areas. Nevertheless, existing studies mainly examine the static relationship between OCB and employee performance. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate the dynamic impacts of OCB on employee performance in Yasuj Municipality with the assistance of a system dynamics model. Four causal feedback loops and a stock-flow diagram were developed to illustrate the dynamic influencing mechanism. Three distinct policies quantitatively simulated the possible impacts of OCB changes on the whole system and, specifically, on employee performance. The results show that increasing the Actual Increasing Rate of Project Culture (AIROC) significantly influences OCB and employee performance improvement. The higher the AIRPP (actual increasing rate of potential promotion) in the multi-policy scenario, the higher the OCB and the performance. One major contribution is that this study is one of the first to explore the potential use of system dynamics to model organizational behavior and its performance, which has implications for the practical and cultural promotion of OCB.


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