Journal Metrics
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Publication Start Year July 2022
MSRT grade(1401) B
Number of Volumes 3
Number of Issues 10
Number of Articles 63
Article View 15,163
PDF Download 16,520
View Per Article 240.68
PDF Download Per Article 262.22
Number of Submissions 121
Rejected Submissions 35
Accepted Submissions 64
Acceptance Rate 53
Time to Accept (Days) 74
Number of Reviewers 82

About the journal:

  • Member of: The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
  • Plagiarism screening: iThenticate
  • Review time: 65 days
  • Open access: Yes
  • Licensed by: CC BY 4.0
  • Policy: Duble blind peer-reviewed
  • Indexed and Abstracted: Yes
  • Language: English 
  • Article Processing Charges: No
  • Contact email:

Journal of Systems Thinking in Practice (JSTINP) is an  scientific, and open access journal in EnglishThe mission of the Journal of Systems Thinking in Practice (JSTINP) is to provide a deeper understanding of the dynamic behavior of complex systems. JSTINP is a peer-reviewed journal on Systems Thinking. 

Topics covered include:

  • Systems Thinking,
  • System Dynamics,
  • Optimal Control and Dynamic Programming,
  • Simulation (Discrete-Event, Agent-Based, Monte-Carlo),
  • Soft Operations Research,
  • Systems Engineering

The above methods can be applied in business and public sector management topics include Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management and Innovation Management.

Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 3 - Serial Number 10, September 2024 

Research Article

Analyzing Iranian Public Sector Big Data System Requirements Based on System Design Thinking

Pages 1-17


Soheil Paydar Fard; Ali Rajabzadeh Ghatari; Mahmoud Dehghan Nayeri

Research Article

Development of Iran's Electricity Transmission Capacity, Based on Forecasting the Demand Trend Using the System Dynamics Approach

Pages 91-118


Mohammad Taghi Farahnak; Mohammad Ali Afshar Kazemi; Ali Mohaghar; Mohammad Ali Keramati

Improving the System of Urban Development Plan by Formulating the Mess and Using Soft Systems Methodology

Pages 119-144


Marzieh Samadi-Foroushani; Amir Shahrabi Farahani; Soheil Kousari; Mohammad Javad Keyhanpour; Ali Nasiri

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